Salmon fish cakes
Fish is rich in unusual nutrients like selenium, iodine and potassium as well as vitamin D and Omega- 3 fatty acids. As well as being an important part of healthy diet these nutrients are essential for developing brain function in children.
A lot of fish cakes you can buy are pretty bland and don't actually have a lot of fish in them. making your own is extremely easy and a great way to make fish an exciting thing to eat for little ones

Ingredients: 2 Salmon fillets (280g) , Finely chopped spring onion,280g mashed potato, 50g grated Parmesan, Ketchup, parsley (optional), 1 egg, plain flour ( for coating), bread crumbs (for coating).
Mushy peas: Garden peas, 1 garlic clove (optional), butter
For this sort of meal it is often easier to cook fish from frozen. Salmon is great for this. Remove packaging and put the salmon fillets on a baking tray. No need to cover, put them straight in the oven at about 160 C and cook for 35-40 mins. Take them out and let them rest to a temperature you can handle with your fingers.

Meanwhile, peel some floury potatoes and boil them until ready to mach. drain, add some butter and mash.

To a mixing bowl flake the salmon by hand and add the potato, grated Parmesan, spring onions and a squirt of ketchup.
mix until uniform in consistency then mould equal portions of the mix into any shape you like. The standard coin shape is easiest but i got carried away and made fish and starfish shapes.
Put the cakes in the fridge for 30 mins
in 3 separate bowls/ plates put flour, a beaten egg and breadcrumbs.
to coat:
1. Dust each fishcake in flour
2. Dip each flour dusted fishcake in egg
3. Cover each one in bread crumbs so the crumbs stick to the egg

For the mushy peas...
1. Boil some water and add peas for however many mouths need feeding.
2. (optional) add 1/2 a garlic clove per hungry mouth to the peas and boil for 4 mins.
3. Drain, add a knob of butter and use a food processor to 'mush' them

Fry or bake the fish cakes until bread crumbs are golden and serve with some
ketchup and mushy peas.
