Wild red prawn linguine
Another recipe which takes minutes and easy to get right every time. Our wild red Argentina shrimps work really well with this, they have a depth of flavour that you just don't get with farmed tiger or king prawns.
You will need: a frying pan and a sauce pan
Ingredients: Argentina wild red shrimps, linguine, garlic, parsley, olive oil, a squeeze of lemon juice.
Cook your linguine according to the instructions on the packet in salted water.
In a frying pan, heat some olive oil and fry your shrimps. If you are making this for a few people its best to cook your shrimps in batches so you don't loose heat in the pan get some good colour.

The shrimps should take 1 min on each side or so, when they are nearly done add the minced garlic, salt an pepper and stir. Let the garlic fry gently without colouring.
Make sure you have plenty of olive oil in the pan at this point and add your cooked pasta with a spoonful of pasta water.

Mix the pasta, shrimps and seasoned garlicky olive oil then add a good handful or chopped parsley and a squeeze of lemon.
mix until ingredient evenly coat the pasta and serve.