Shrimp and Sichuan pepper fried rice
This is a good store cupboard/fridge ingredient recipe. Rice, eggs, onion, garlic, chilli. the Sichuan pepper is optional but highly recommended.
you will need: a wok and a sauce pan
Ingredients: Argentina red shrimps, rice, onion, eggs, chilli, sprig onion, Sichuan pepper, soy sauce
Get some water on to boil your rice
then fry some finely diced onion in some oil, adding the shrimps when they have softened a bit.

when the shrimps have coloured a bit, crack an egg into the wok and mix so as the egg cooks it coats the shrimps and onion a bit.

then add a sprinkle of cracked Sichuan pepper and some diced chilli before adding the cooked rice.
mix together, adding soy sauce to taste and finally some chopped spring onion
that's it! enjoy!